MyCourses is the main online learning environment used in Aalto University. Course workspace can be used to send out announcements, share material, receive student submissions, grade student work and give feedback. Grades can also be published there at the end of a course. Workspaces are created automatically based on Sisu and are open by default.
Sisu is the student information system in use at Aalto. It replaced Aalto University’s previously used Oodi system in 2021. In Sisu, you enroll on courses and make your personal plan of completing your degree.
Aalto Space is a mobile application for Android and iOS devices that helps the user navigate the campus and allows them to book facilities for studying and group work.
Kanttiinit conveniently displays the menus of Otaniemi and Helsinki student canteens.
Aalto University Student Union AYY (
Aalto School of Business (
Starting point of Wellbeing offers students advice and guidance on services related to wellbeing.
IT-services (
Minors (Into)
Studies at other Aalto schools or in Finnish universities (Into)
Exchange studies (Into)
School of Business studies and programmes (
Bachelor’s programmes
Kauppatieteet (Into)
Economics (Into)
International business (Into)
Master’s programmes
Information on master's degree programmes (
More information on master programmes (Into)
- Remember to register for attendance on time! The annual enrolment for academic year 2023-2024 begins on 2 May 2023 and ends on 2 September 2023.
- Remember to pay the Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS) fee to Kela (Social Insurance Institution of Finland), if you are a degree student who has registered for attendance (since the reform in 2021).
Learning Center Resource Guides provides links regarding resource guides, support for studies and research, information resource guides and services.
Into Writing Clinic provides help for academic writing for most Aalto University degree students. Information on how to get individual writing tutoring and consultation.
Aalto Sana: Academic Writing in English provides help with academic writing in English. Covers topics such as cohesion, grammar, punctuation and style.
Learning Center eData provides links for a large number of database resources for Aalto students. Economic Sciences -resources include multiple sources for business news, company and market information, among others.
Learning Center eData: Business News provides access to multiple news sources, including Helsingin Sanomat, Financial Times and Kauppalehti.
Databases at Aalto Department of Finance provides information on available databases and useful tips and guides on how to use them.
Learning Center Business Guide provides resources, tips and useful links for economics and business. Contains guides and links on searching journal articles, business news resources, research methods and much more.
Aalto-Primo is an online tool for searching Learning Center’s full collections (both print and electronic), including books, articles, journals, images , manuscripts, dvd and more.
Learning Center eData: Business Dictionaries (in Finnish) provides links for general dictionaries as well as discipline-specific technical dictionaries.
Learning Center Aaltodoc is a place where you can search and find all text materials produced in Aalto University, including theses, journal articles, doctoral dissertations, study materials and more.
Scopus is a third-party database for journal articles.
Aalto Free Software for Home Computers provides links and guides to downloading a large number of software provided to students for free, ranging from text editors and antivirus software to statistics tools and Powerpoint Add-ons (Check out all three links!)
Aalto Takeout is where members of Aalto University have free access to a wide variety of equipment from audiovisual production gear to scientific measuring devices. Get your hands to anything from VR glasses and high-end cameras to smoke machines and particle velocity meters for your school project.