KY aims to provide the best student experience possible for our members. Our goal is that everyone feels welcomed in our community and that our students can thrive without having to worry about concerns regarding student life. However, sometimes student life can also include struggles, whether it is with managing your time and energy in the middle of all the responsibilities, finding your group of friends or something else.


Aalto University researches the state of study wellbeing by an annual questionnaire AllWell. Here are some figures from the 2022 survey for Bachelor level students at Aalto BIZ. Read more about AllWell here.

As these numbers show, mental wellbeing is a significant and pressing issue among students. KY is committed to improving the state of students' mental health through advocacy and other measures.



Services and people that can help

I feel like I don’t belong to the student community

Wellbeing tutors, Aalto chaplains, Wellbeing chats (national and KY’s)

I feel distressed about combining volunteer work with other areas of my life

Wellbeing tutors, e-learning material, Wellbeing chats (national and KY’s)

I cannot get any support to my studies

Career & studies counselling psychologists, e-learning materials, Wellbeing tutors

I have no one to talk about things on my mind

Wellbeing tutors, Aalto chaplains, Wellbeing chats (national and KY’s)

I feel like I’m not accepted as the person I am

Wellbeing tutors, Finnish Student Health Services (FSHS), E-learning materials, Aalto chaplains

I have experienced bullying or harassment in the student community

KY Office, AYY harassment persons, Wellbeing tutors, University Chaplains

I have anxiety and distress

Finnish Student Health Services (FSHS), Career & studies counselling psychologists, Wellbeing tutors, e-learning materials, Wellbeing chats (national and KY’s)

I’m not able to relax

Finnish Student Health Services (FSHS), UniSport, e-learning material, Wellbeing chats (national and KY’s)

I’m not interested in my studies or I cannot concentrate on them

Career & studies counselling psychologists, Wellbeing tutors

I feel insufficiency when it comes to my studies

Career & studies counselling psychologists, Wellbeing tutors, Wellbeing chats (national and KY’s)

I suffer from insomnia

Finnish Student Health Services (FSHS), Nyyti chats, Wellbeing chats (national)

I have lost my control of life

Finnish Student Health Services (FSHS), Nyyti chats, Wellbeing chats (national)

I experience exhaustion

Finnish Student Health Services (FSHS), Nyyti chats, Wellbeing chats (national)

I feel social anxiety or symptoms of panic

Finnish Student Health Services (FSHS), Wellbeing chats (national)

I feel distressed about my future

Career & studies counselling psychologists, Aalto Career Services, Aalto Career Services for Int'l Students, Wellbeing tutors, Wellbeing chats (national and KY’s), Finnish Student Health Services (FSHS)

I need help regarding my finances


I feel like others do better than myself at school

Career & studies counselling psychologists, Wellbeing tutors, Wellbeing chats (national and KY’s)

I’d like to talk about issues related to my sexuality

Finnish Student Health Services (FSHS), Nyyti chat, Wellbeing chats (national and KY’s)