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Petra & Kanerva's blog
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March 28, 2023

Petra & Kanerva's blog


Petra's blog

I can't help but feel a tinge of sadness knowing that my time at the KY office is (finally) coming to a close. But, as they say, all good things must come to an end, and I'm grateful for the countless great memories that I've made during my two years here.

The Art Director’s role is super versatile, since the AD is a graphic designer, illustrator and photographer all in one package. The AD is also responsible for the layout and visuality of Kylteri magazine together with the Editor-in-Chief. Knowledge of Adobe programs and some basic illustration and photographic skills are definitely a benefit, but organisational skills and a good visual eye are more important in my opinion. Before working as the AD I was in charge of editing-related matters in a few volunteer positions at KY and sort of knew what I was getting myself into, but for example had no prior experience of making a magazine. And I survived pretty well regardless, so no stress.

Whether you're all about illustration, photography, animation, graphic design, or something else entirely, KY is the perfect place to hone your skills. In this position you will get a lot of creative freedom and a chance to bring your own visual projects to the table, so it is mostly up to you how your year (or more) here will look like! I probs shouldn’t be using clichés like “there is never a boring day” or “it is all about the people”, but I’ve never had a day when I haven’t been excited to go to work, and the people here are absolute gems.

Feel free to reach out to me if you're even a bit interested in applying or you have any questions in mind! <3
TG @petraweiste

Kanerva's blog

Most of the days working as a Communications Coordinator at KY includes a lot of reading, writing and ideating. Apart from these, you might find yourself organizing events, collaborating with colleagues or creating TikTok-videos. Above all, the role is about being creative, spontaneous and systematic. 

What sets KY apart from other workplaces is the vibrant and supportive atmosphere. The people you work with are not just colleagues, but friends who are always ready to lend a helping hand. As a Communications Coordinator, I have been collaborating closely with the board member in charge of communications, teamed up with the two other service advisors to provide member services, and lead the Masters' Committee alongside the board member responsible for master's students. This fosters a tight-knit community where you'll never have to work alone.

I personally had experience with communications through volunteer and work positions, but I think it’s needless to say that I have learnt a lot during my time at the KY Office. This is the perfect environment to expand your horizons, try new things, and gain valuable experience. If you're interested in applying, don't hesitate!

I’m also always available to answer any questions, be it about the work itself, my own experiences or anything else you have in mind! :)
TG @kycomms / @kanervamk

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