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October 31, 2023



Every day, and sometimes every second, is a surprise. 

Hey there, I'm Tilda, the corporate relations, work and career responsible at KY Board. As my predecessor mentioned in his blog last year, time sure does fly when you're having a blast, and that's especially true at KY. It's incredible how fast a year can go by. Just one year ago, I was a second-year economics student, oblivious to how KY operates.  I had been a board member at KY-Sail since 2021 and a tutor in 2022, but my primary focus was on my studies.  Little did I know that through these experiences, I would get a glimpse of KY's magic, and it would spark a desire to be a part of the positive change happening within the organization.

My journey in the world of corporate relations, work and career, and internationality:

To be honest, it hasn't always been easy. When I first stepped into the office, I had a lot to learn about how KY operates and the complexities of corporate relations, which was a whole new world for me. But to my luck, this environment is pretty quick to get the hang of, and there's always help around when you need it. The support I've received from the corporate relations coordinators, other board members, volunteers, and the whole office has been invaluable.

My work in the corporate relations sector mainly involves communicating with our partners, coordinating with our corporate relations coordinator, brainstorming ideas for the sector, handling contracts, and ensuring those contracts are fulfilled. 

 A big part of the role is being the chair of CORE. Our corporate relations committee CORE has brought me new friendships, opportunities to lend a hand at events, and even dance on our epic (heh a bit biased opinion) music video – "Can I be CORE?”. Plus, it's given me a crash course in leadership skills that I don't think I could have picked up elsewhere.

Then there's the board work, where I get to meet with our stakeholders, represent KY, and attend meetings with various sectors. I've also had the chance to assist our KY volunteers in the corporate relations department.

A little something about internationality:

Through this role, I've had the pleasure of meeting people from all around the world. I've been able to share our KY story while also learning where we can make improvements. It's been a truly meaningful experience. I've even had the opportunity to discuss language politics with some of our stakeholders, adding a nice touch to the corporate relations role.

My tips and tricks for applying:

  • If you haven't been part of for example subcommittees, clubs, or committees, don't worry What truly matters is your motivation and willingness to learn. Feel free to reach out with any questions, and remember, we're here to help.
  • Espilä’s doors are open every Monday through Thursday from 10 to 16. Pop in, have some coffee, and see what our daily work looks like.
  • KY board responsibilities can be time-consuming, but they're worth every second. So, don't hesitate to apply.

Tilda Leikola

Corporate Relations, Work & Career, Internationality

050 322 3432

TG @tildaleikola

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